Featured Projects

Each of these projects is being used in production systems today and have community members that you are welcome to engage with. See all Hyperledger Projects


All Projects

The community is working on other types of projects that include distributed ledgers, tools, libraries and domain-specific projects. There are also a number of experimental development efforts being worked on in >> Hyperledger Labs, a place where community members can easily collaborate with others on new ideas.


Solang is a Solidity compiler written in rust which uses llvm as the compiler backend. Solang can compile Solidity for Solana and Substrate.
A developer friendly blockchain platform written in C++, aimed at helping businesses and financial institutions manage digital assets.
A distributed ledger that provides tools, libraries, and reusable components for creating and using independent digital identities.
Hyperledger FireFly is the first open source Supernode: a complete stack for enterprises to build and scale secure Web3 applications. Learn more!
Hyperledger Fabric - A blockchain framework implementation intended as a foundation for developing applications or solutions with a modular architecture.
A blockchain module toolkit designed to bring the on-demand “as-a-service” deployment model to the blockchain ecosystem.
A blockchain benchmark tool designed to allow users to measure the performance of a specific blockchain implementation.
Hyperledger Cacti is a blockchain integration tool designed to allow users to securely integrate different blockchains.
A blockchain framework implementation intended as a foundation for developing applications or solutions with a modular architecture.
Hyperledger Besu is an open source Ethereum client developed under the Apache 2.0 license and written in Java.
Hyperledger Aries is a shared, reusable, interoperable tool kit for developing critical digital credentials solutions.
Hyperledger AnonCreds - short for “Anonymous Credentials”- is the most commonly used Verifiable Credential (VC) format in the world.
Hyperledger Web3j is a highly modular, reactive, type safe Java and Android library for working with Smart Contracts and integrating with clients (nodes) on the Ethereum network.
Hyperledger Identus provides components to develop decentralized identity solutions that adhere to widely recognized self-sovereign identity (SSI) standards.

To learn more about how to use Hyperledger projects in your solutions, check out our project matrix and use cases.

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