Hyperledger Member Webinar: Blockchain & Drug Supply Assurance in the Coronavirus Era – LedgerDomain

Hyperledger Member Webinar: Blockchain & Drug Supply Assurance in the Coronavirus Era – LedgerDomain
July 1, 2020
7:00 AM Pacific (UTC-7)




With the rise of COVID-19, need for real-time drug supply chain assurance has never been more pressing. While healthcare leaders and front-line workers rally together and fight this disease, we believe that a blockchain-based solution capable of tracking therapeutics, test kits, vaccines, and ventilators is necessary to accelerate their efforts to protect the public.
As part of a peer-reviewed study commissioned by the US FDA and published in Blockchain in Healthcare Today, a Hyperledger Member LedgerDomain and UCLA Health joined forces to deploy and test BRUINchain, a last-mile blockchain-driven solution used by real caregivers to help deliver lifesaving medications. The study is among the first of its kind to reveal exactly how blockchain could save pharmacies billions of dollars in labor and safety stock costs alone.

Along with several key takeaways on the use of commercial off-the-shelf technology in a busy pharmacy, this study and ongoing research point to ways that blockchain can help bring a new level of stability and security to the health landscape.

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