Hyperledger In-depth with Espeo Blockchain: Multi-cluster deployment of Hyperledger Fabric network using Hyperledger Fabric Operator

Hyperledger In-depth with Espeo Blockchain: Multi-cluster deployment of Hyperledger Fabric network using Hyperledger Fabric Operator
Marcin Wojciechowski, Blockchain Developer, Espeo Blockchain
Szymon Biduła, Blockchain Developer,Espeo Blockchain
September 28, 2022
10:00 am - 11:00 am PDT (UTC-7)


One of the most common use cases for Hyperledger Fabric network is to have a source of truth between multiple companies / branches of a company spread across the globe. We discovered early on that introducing blockchain to such a structure is a complex organizational, business and a technical challenge. In our next Hyperledger In-Depth, Marcin Wojciechowski from Espeo Blockchain walks through the deployment of a Hyperledger Fabric network on multiple clusters, using Hyperledger Fabric Operator.

Our Hyperledger In-depth series features live demos, tutorials, and stories from the battlefield! Members share learnings from their projects, and field all the hard questions about the pains of working with DLTs. This is a great opportunity for you to get involved, come prepared with questions and voice your opinions.

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