Final Weekend Update: A Round-up of Remote Blockchain Learning Resources

Welcome to the final Weekend Update. We started this column in March of 2020 with the goal of helping people as they turned to technology like never before for education, entertainment and career building. Online events, networking, training and working have often created opportunities for more flexible formats and wider participation and will continue to be avenues for learning and connecting. However, as we prepare to flip the calendar to 2022, the world is (hopefully) edging back towards a new business as usual, so we are retiring this column. 

We will continue to highlight resources for the open source enterprise blockchain community in  other blog posts and via our social media channels. In addition, we’ve put together a short list of online events coming up in the coming weeks as well as other links to go-to Hyperledger resources that will help you continue to engage with our community, build skills and advance your career.

Upcoming Virtual Meetups

Upcoming Hyperledger Community Training Sessions

Where to go to stay plugged into Hyperledger Foundation and the Hyperledger community:

Webinars and other events:
Developer, Working Group and Special Interest Group meetings:
Meetup schedule:
YouTube playlist:
Hyperledger case studies:
Hyperledger job board:
Monthly Hyperledger newsletter:
/dev/weekly updates:

Follow us on Twitter for the latest.

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