Hyperledger Mentorship Spotlight: Hyperledger Aries Integration to Support Fabric as Blockchain Ledger

Hyperledger Mentorship Spotlight: Hyperledger Aries Integration to Support Fabric as Blockchain Ledger

The Hyperledger Mentorship Program is a structured hands-on learning opportunity for new developers who may otherwise lack the opportunity to gain exposure to Hyperledger open source development and entry to the technical community. These Mentorship Spotlights highlight the work done by the Mentors and the Mentees as part of their program participation. Learn more here.


Mentorship Project Title

Hyperledger Fabric – Hyperledger Aries Integration to support Fabric as blockchain ledger

Description This project aims to enable Aries to interact with Fabric as a ledger, which would then enable Self Sovereign Identity applications to be built on top of Fabric.
Difficulty HIGH 
Additional Details Learning Objectives, Expected Outcomes and Project Results available here.

Final Project Video





Harsh Multani

“I have been using Hyperledger technologies for the past two years. The most valuable insights that I gained from this are how a project can be planned and executed. I learnt that, if you plan, document and discuss a task clearly with your mentors and the people in the community, the time it takes to complete it is considerably lower and you don’t need to do any rework for it. This experience also improved my techniques in maintaining proper code and designing the code keeping conventions in mind. Finally, I learnt a lot about Hyperledger Fabric architecture as well as Hyperledger Indy and Docker networks.”



Kamlesh Nagware

Snapper Future Tech

“I have been part of the Hyperledger ecosystem for the last five years and seen it grow to 18 projects, including DLTs, libraries and tools for efficient blockchain development and deployment. Hyperledger Fabric is the most used DLT in enterprise applications, and decentralised identity (DID)/self-sovereign identity (SSI) applications have grown in the last three to four years. To support Fabric as a ledger for Hyperledger Aries will increase the adoption of DID/SSI in enterprises by adding the flexibility to use Fabric as a ledger for SSI/DID systems and will create more interoperability within the Hyperledger ecosystem. It is a really interesting project. I have learnt lot as a mentor and got the opportunity to contribute more to the Hyperledger ecosystem. My mentee, Harsh, did really well. He completed this project and now we are planning to propose this as a Hyperledger Lab to build out the future roadmap.”

A special thanks to the Hyperledger member companies for funding this important program. To learn more about our Hyperledger Mentorship Program and how you can participate in our next cohort, head over to our program overview page on the Hyperledger wiki.

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