Climate Change Action: Five Ways to Get Involved in Our Global Climate Accounting Efforts

Climate Change Action: Five Ways to Get Involved in Our Global Climate Accounting Efforts

The Hyperledger Climate Action & Accounting Special Interest Group (CA2SIG) is part of a growing ecosystem of innovators that is working to make global climate accounting a reality. We are an Open Source group working with a community of talented professionals that are tackling the technologies, frameworks, standards, partnerships, and use cases it will take to get there. With the support and know-how from community members such as the Linux Foundation, Open Earth Foundation and Climate Chain Coalition, we are making good progress, but we need your help. Whether you are a blockchain developer, product manager, research, analyst or subject matter expert in policy, environment, industry, etc., there is a role for you to play. We invite you to join us and take part in catalysing the most radical collaborative movement in human history, one that will help facilitate the investment of $50 trillion dollars over the next 30 years to secure the future of humanity.

Here are a five ways you can get involved:

  • Join the Standards Working Group to help design and implement the “protocols and standards” needed to ensure that climate accounting data can function as part of a global interoperable layer of information sharing. This group is actively looking for real use cases to design for and test against.
  • Join the Consumer Disclosure Working Group to create solutions to help make consumers aware of the environmental impact they make in their daily lives. This group is currently developing a data-driven sustainability score for  companies and consumers to help quantify how sustainable a product really is. This group is actively looking for a company or companies to partners with to develop a real world proof of concept.
  • Finally, if you have your own idea for an Open Source climate project, click here to share it with us, and we can work with you to explore how we can help you find the support and expertise you need to get started. 

To learn more about the Climate Action & Accounting Special Interest Group (CA2SIG) and how to join our community of contributors, take a moment to explore our “How to Contribute” page and join our bi-monthly General Meetings to introduce yourself and meet the group.

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