Weekend Update: This Week’s Round-up of Remote Blockchain Learning Resources

Welcome to the Weekend Update. Our goal with this weekly post is to share quick updates about online education, networking and collaboration opportunities and resources for the open source enterprise blockchain community. 

If you have suggestions for resources or events that we should spotlight in a future Weekend Update, let us know here using #HLWeekendUpdate.

New /dev/weekly Newsletter

Curious about technical project updates coming out of Hyperledger? We’ve launched a weekly newsletter with technical news and updates. Sign up for it here

New Case Study: How Soramitsu Helped Modernize the National Bank of Cambodia’s Retail Payment System

Get the details on a new Hyperledger Iroha-based digital payment system that Soramitsu helped develop for Cambodia’s central bank in this new case study.

Blockchain Developer Course en Español 

The Hyperledger Latinoamérica Chapter continues its Spanish language training course series with sessions this week on Docker and containers (August 22) and Hyperledger Fabric networks (August 28). 

For more details and the full schedule, go here

Virtual Meetups

See the full Virtual Meetup schedule here

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